Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stylestance, North Bank Magazine, HandMade News, Top Artists Directory... some shameless back-patting for myself and others!

Good Morning!
I've had the honor of being mentioned by some wonderful folks lately, and wanted to draw attention to their businesses and blogs.

Stylestance - I am the featured artist on Stylestance today! You can see the article here

Here is the definition of Stylestance: "STYLE + SUBSTANCE. Stylestance is a thing of beauty that has a deeper purpose behind it. Stylestance can be a simple yet life-changing product. Fashion that serves a dual purpose, even if that purpose is just to make us feel good. A beautiful item lovingly made by hand. A company or service that sets out to change the world. And stylestance can be embodied by a person with effortless style who does meaningful work. Stylestance Daily is my forum for new stylestance discoveries. I strive for stylestance every day. "

HandMade News recently chose Pieces of Me to go along with their article on creating a travel size weighted blanked for children with Autism or Aspergers. You can see the article here.

The North Bank Magazine of Vancouver, Washington - who has featured my work in the past and is compiled by the talented Jessica Swanson, has chosen Linger as a navigation image for their Craft section. You can visit the North Bank Magazine website here, and I recommend it!

Top Artists Directory featured my business as the Top Artist of the Week in May Kim Barker, aka Laketrees is doing a free mini portrait giveaway - her work is gorgeous, so you may want to enter to win! Competition extended through July 31. Visit Kim's site here! And good luck!

Have a great weekend!
Love & Sincerely,

1 comment:

  1. big congratulations Katie ...
    you certainly deserve the accolades :) :)
    thank you too for posting about my competition... best of luck :)
    have a sunny weekend :)


Thank you for your comment!
Katie m. Berggren