Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Featured Artist Marie Wise ~ an artful journey

My family left Kalama in 2009, and Marie and I have continued on our artful paths. Last week, we met up again in Longview, at the Lord & McCord Art Works Gallery where 6 of my paintings are showing for the month of October.
Marie is represented by the gallery next door to Lord & McCord: The Broadway Gallery. She allowed me to photograph her with her artwork at The Broadway Gallery, and I'm honored to feature her here.
Marie's three-year journey to paint the wind
From Marie:
“Art touches the depth of my soul and spirit.”
I enjoy filling my paintings with powerful and often feminine subjects. My florals, landscapes and nautical paintings are lush and deeply colored. Design and pattern are very important to my compositions. Although my style is eclectic and varies from painting to painting, I try to capture one reflective moment, punctuated with symbolic elements that portray powerful messages, where viewers can find a connecting emotional bond.

Marie's Paintings on display
We reconnect at Lord & McCord Art Works Gallery on October 6, 2011
Marie Wise has been involved in numerous group and featured artist exhibitions over the years and has won many awards. Her work is displayed in local restaurants, gift shops, banks, galleries and businesses. Over the years her paintings have been acquired by friends, family, local collectors, businesses and corporate offices. She paints in her studio in Kalama, Washington, overlooking the scenic Columbia River.

You may find Marie Wise's paintings and products available for purchase at The Broadway Gallery in Longview Washington
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Monday, October 10, 2011
Lord and McCord Art Works Gallery ~ Longview, Washington

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Mother and Child Art for the Coffee Table and the Pocket ~ art books make great gifts!
I now have 5 separate books for you to choose from:
Introducing Moments With Messages, volume 1 ~ a Glossy hardbound motherhood art Book ~ autographed ~ and featuring 29 of the 4x4" chunky acrylic paintings. ($27.99 each)

Find Moments With Messages here, in the online shop
Introducing 85 8x8 Paintings ~ a dance of intention & creation ($34.99 each)

♥ This luscious 7x7" book seeks to thrill you with images and inspiration ~ but to also encourage you to engage in your own creative endeavor.
85 8x8 Paintings ~ a dance of intention & creation is available online, direct from the printer
Have a deserving loved one in a far-away place? Grab the 70-page e-book here! ~ just $4.99
featuring motherhood art & writing by Katie m. Berggren and I can email it directly to the recipient with your message.
Introducing the Hardbound Inspiration Book ~ featuring 20 Motherhood Paintings ($24.99 each)

Find the Hardbound Inspiration Book here (with 20 full-color motherhood paintings)
Introducing Mini Pocket-Sized Inspiration Books, volumes 1 & 2 ($5.99 ea)

Find Volume 1 here (with 20 full-color motherhood paintings)
Find Volume 2 here (with 21 full-color motherhood paintings)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Bari Tessler Linden ~ Conscious Bookkeeping ~ Video Courses
It has been interesting around here with school starting for the boys, and me: revving the business up while the little ones are away ~ then frantically shutting it down when it's time for that school bell to ring!

painting left: Taking Time To See (you'll see what I mean)
Well, I don't know about you, but I always love to come across something new that I feel is a good use of my time.
You know how you can just *tell* when something or someone you discover is worth your time, worth your exploring?
You know how you can tell when you actually *want* to sign up for an email newsletter, and you don't feel like you'll be fed a bunch of junk you don't need?
Over the years (many, many years) I have had an uncanny ability to recognize when someone who enters my life is supposed to be there. Be it for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
I literally stumbled upon this woman yesterday, and with the urge to write a post for you that was informative and inspiring, the pieces locked into place instantly.
I was sent an email from Handmade Success ~ including Bari Tessler Linden's 7 Money Tools and I felt the urge to click through.
photo left: Bari Tessler Linden, Financial Therapist, Coach & Mommypreneur ~ founder of the Conscious Bookkeeping Method
I do not personally know Bari Tessler Linden, like I said, I just discovered her yesterday, but I was hoping you'd like to discover her work along with me.

I have signed up to receive Bari's free video courses and am looking forward to seeing her passion first hand. Join me?
photo left: Bari Tessler Linden and her family.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Moments with Messages ~ a book featuring 29 4x4 Paintings

(supply is limited, but back order is available).

♥ Pull your super cute 6x8" book from your purse, diaper bag or bed-side table ~ and take a moment to breathe in the intimate moments that make Motherhood purposeful and special.
♥ A great girlfriend-mama gift ~ stocking stuffer ~ new mother blessing ~ doula or midwife thank you.
Your hardbound book will ship via Priority Mail (for U.S. buyers, First Class for International collectors), arriving to your hands wrapped in bubble wrap from within a stiff mailer.
Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Monday, October 3, 2011
Spinning Tales Prepares For Russia
Here is a tribute to her ~ as she prepares for her trip.

Thank you all for your support during her creation, and thank you to Valentine ~ I hope Spinning Tales spreads love within her new family.
Have a great day,
Love & Sincerely ~ Katie
Saturday, October 1, 2011
4 Steps to Yum

Mix together ~ add Roasted Cashews

Mix together ~ add Roasted Almonds
Friday, September 30, 2011
Free Cards Friday | Two Years Ago While Painting Motherhood: Priorities & Conquering Excuses
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Thursday, September 29, 2011
85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation ~ the printed book is available
A brand new beautifully printed publication, featuring motherhood art & writing by Katie m. Berggren ~ Grab YOUR copy here!
"Katie, I just finished reading your book. Well, actually I devoured every sentence, quote, and picture. I was sad that it had an end, but giggled that it took 9 months for you to compose the pictures…the length of a pregnancy. That's perfect for motherhood paintings. I admire your approach to simply focusing your attention on your sweet boys, and letting the good energy flow. Thank you for publishing a piece of yourself. It was a delight.
Kindly, Sara ~ Camas, Washington"

85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation features the art and writing of Katie m. Berggren, an award-winning painter, recently cited as the #1 Motherhood Artist in America.
70 pages of rich imagery featuring 85 paintings devoted to love and connection, family, touch, breastfeeding, babywearing, and the intimate moments of motherhood ~ including the emotional musings and heartfelt insights behind the creation of each painting.

This book desires to show, but to also inspire you in your own creative endeavors by providing personal journal entries and blog posts, inspirational quotes and notes from the author/artist.
Making 85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation a perfect gift for a loving mother, devoted doula or midwife, and/or a creative soul yearning to fly higher.

Snag YOUR copy here, for just $34.99

Love & Sincerely, Katie
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
85 8x8 Paintings ~ the brand new book
Enjoy! Sincerely, Katie
Saturday, September 24, 2011
It's beginning to look a lot like...
and we must begin preparing ~ NOW!
well, I painted Frankie (in 7 minutes). I most love their skeletons, though!

I think these new creations, Halloween party or not, will have to become staple decorations around our house every Fall.
Skeletons, spirits and haunts,
Skeletons, spirits and haunts.
It's a Halloween sale: A nickel a pail
For skeletons, spirits and haunts.
Skeletons, spirits and haunts,
More than most anyone wants.
Will you pay for a shock,
'Cause we're quite overstocked
On skeletons, spirits and haunts.
~Shel Silverstein~
Have a wonderful weekend,
let us not forget to take the time to soak in those happy little spirits ~
and the excitement that surrounds them.
Love & Sincerely, Katie