Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fresh New Website For Spring!

Spring has sprung, and my internal itch for rebirth and spring cleaning was partially satisfied by designing a completely new website... http://www.kmberggren.com.

The New Site

which folks tell me is easier to maneuver...

The Old Site

which served its purpose ~ and helped get me to where I am today :)

So, 60 or so hours after the inclination to recreate the site (first proposed by my husband) ~ I am SO happy with the new site. I like that at a quick glance one can see who I am, what I do, the products I offer, the subject matter, the color palette and where everything is created :)

Thank you to everyone who offered their constructive feedback during this process.

How have/are YOU going to get started on your Spring Cleaning?

Have a great week,

Love & Sincerely, Katie


  1. It looks AMAZING, Katie! LOVE the new "digs!" =)

  2. I love the new website and that it is mobile friendly! Prefect for late night surfing in bed :) As for my spring cleaning...hahahahaha, thanks for the reminder!


Thank you for your comment!
Katie m. Berggren