Friday, May 14, 2010

Free Cards Friday ~ Early Bird Gets the Worm?

It's Free Cards Friday! Comment on THIS blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I'll choose the winner on Monday.

Whisper, 24x30, acrylic on canvas, $495

The last couple days I have risen early to get some work done before little voices and bouncy feet shatter the silence ~ it has worked well for me (surprisingly) and requires an earlier bedtime which is also nice.

I have noticed a lot of emails and responses (especially on yesterday's 10x10 Early Rise) that come in early in the morning from my mama friends and collectors ~ and I am wondering if I have discovered a well-known Mother's Secret... does the early bird get the worm, for real?
I think so.

Have a GORGEOUS day, it is supposed to be a true Summer-looking day here in Vancouver, Washington - so I'm looking forward to the warmth.

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie


  1. This Mama is no early bird. My natural rhythm would include late nights to write and 9 hours of sleep! Both of which can't happen! Every time I try to set my alarm to get up early and yoga or daughter gets up 10 minutes later. Really. No matter what time I set it for...she knows.


  2. thank you Jen, I completely understand! My boys know that they have to stay in bed and read or relax until 625am - so it seems to work okay in this house, so far at least - it seems as soon as I champion something, I change it - blasted saboteur I am. Have a great day! Sincerely, Katie

  3. With a baby in the house, I am forced to be an early bird...


Thank you for your comment!
Katie m. Berggren