Dear Commission Clients... Let me promise you one thing...
(read further...)

She shared with me her glass art works, a bit of her story, but most of all her undeniable passion to create and live. Working with dichroic glass is her passion and brings her great joy, which is reflected in her work. Dichroic glass is glass containing multiple micro-layers of metal oxides which give the glass dichroic optical properties (according to Wiki).
You can find Shawna's glass work at the Love Art! Gallery in Portland, Oregon, and some in her online shop, Chrysalis Dreams.
Thank you Shawna, for doing the lovely work that you do!
Have a great day everyone ~ Love & Sincerely, Katie
An Excerpt from Part 2 of the series ~ Materials:
"The creation of art involves the purchase of materials, the time to produce the work, and in many cases, framing or other presentation costs. After the piece is complete, there is the expense of entering traditional exhibitions, the cost of a professional photographer to shoot images of the work, time spent on marketing, more time on creating non-traditional exhibition opportunities and the general expenses of running a small business."
Read More on Amy's Blog
above: Full Moon, by Barbara Paanakker, a sold piece
Have a creative and sunny weekend, Love & Sincerely, Katie
“Great acts are made up of small deeds.” - Lao Tzu
I recently experienced some kindness from someone who discovered my paintings and decided to help get them out to more families ~ someone I had never met ~ her response to my offer to send her something as a gift for her kindness ~ was for me to Pay It Forward ~ so I am, and I am asking you to do the same. You can learn more about the kindness I received and an offer for you, here.
I like Paying It Forward, and I am seriously contemplating making this a regular part of my blog (thank you Jae, for your inspiration). There is so much kindness that needs doing and so many souls who'd soar with a spark of connection from a stranger. I love connection, and I seek connection from strangers.
So here is my challenge for you: If you should be the soul who wins the Free Archival 12x12 Print that I am offering, how would YOU then Pay It Forward ~ and spread your kindness? Learn more here.
I have new 1x1" Charms. I liked the 1x2" Pendants so much, that I decided to change over the charms as well, to the vintage bronze trays.
you can find a few of these in the Online Shop with the 1x2 Glass Pendants.
Have a wonderful week's middle,
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Mother’s Day Gift Pack ~ 8x10 (shown above)
• (2) 8x10 prints of your choice
• (2) 5x7 art cards (I’ll select, unless you would like to choose from the below link)
Value: $40.50
Mother’s Day Gift Pack Special: $28 (you save $12.50)
Find the 8x10 Gift Pack in the Online Shop
The blog post where you can see the available 5x7 art card selections.
It's Free Cards Friday ~ Add your note or insight to this blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I'll choose the winner on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend, Sincerely, Katie