I had an epiphany last night:
•When I think about what needs to be cleaned, folded, sorted, vacuumed, organized and put away around the house (Home) - I feel fine and get ready to dig in.
•When I think about what needs to be packaged, listed, uploaded, designed, painted, photographed or created in the studio (Studio) - I smile and start making a list.
HOWEVER! When I think about all that needs to be done around the house, then I think about all that needs to be done in the studio/business - my body instantly floods with overwhelm... and I begin bouncing from one area of my life to the other, creating a not-so-good day.
My thought was this - if I channel my thoughts and energy to ONE area of my life at a time, for a period of time ~ Studio or Home (I know it sounds so easy) ~ then I feel far more peaceful and get a whole lot more accomplished.
For instance, I am writing this blog post right now, then going BACK to cleaning, without even checking my email box - because I know that box will grab me by the neck and pull me into a whole new area that I am not ready for just yet this morning :)
Those who know me know that I have a disenchantment with multi-tasking, so this is just another part of it - on a larger scale.
What do you think?

Comment on this post throughout the weekend (on the Painting Motherhood Blog or on Facebook) and be in the running to WIN Free Cards! I will choose the winner on Monday.
P.S. I just discovered a long smear of muddy footprints stretching from the backyard to the garage - directly diagonal across the lovely floor my 5-year old and I had JUST cleaned, aargh, I guess that's the way it goes. Thank goodness for a good vacuum cleaner (and plenty of patience).
Have a purposeful and mentally-organized day!
Love & Sincerely,Katie
Above Image: Spirit Soaring - inspired by music and makes me think of cleaning the house, or otherwise bumbling around, with music and the baby. You can purchase prints of Spirit Soaring in the Online Store.
Your epiphany is so true. I used to get this overwhelming feeling when I was going to university and my daughter was a young baby. When I was attending the classes, I yearned to be with her, and when I was with her I felt I should have been studying and doing work. Then I realised that when I was in class I should just concentrate on what was being taught and when I was with my daughter I should just be with her and enjoy our times together. That made everything much more easier.
ReplyDeleteThank you Virginia, I think you are exactly right - this took me so long to figure out! I hope it sticks, though.