Love & Sincerely, Katie
Friday, September 30, 2011
Free Cards Friday | Two Years Ago While Painting Motherhood: Priorities & Conquering Excuses
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Thursday, September 29, 2011
85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation ~ the printed book is available
A brand new beautifully printed publication, featuring motherhood art & writing by Katie m. Berggren ~ Grab YOUR copy here!
"Katie, I just finished reading your book. Well, actually I devoured every sentence, quote, and picture. I was sad that it had an end, but giggled that it took 9 months for you to compose the pictures…the length of a pregnancy. That's perfect for motherhood paintings. I admire your approach to simply focusing your attention on your sweet boys, and letting the good energy flow. Thank you for publishing a piece of yourself. It was a delight.
Kindly, Sara ~ Camas, Washington"

85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation features the art and writing of Katie m. Berggren, an award-winning painter, recently cited as the #1 Motherhood Artist in America.
70 pages of rich imagery featuring 85 paintings devoted to love and connection, family, touch, breastfeeding, babywearing, and the intimate moments of motherhood ~ including the emotional musings and heartfelt insights behind the creation of each painting.

This book desires to show, but to also inspire you in your own creative endeavors by providing personal journal entries and blog posts, inspirational quotes and notes from the author/artist.
Making 85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation a perfect gift for a loving mother, devoted doula or midwife, and/or a creative soul yearning to fly higher.

Snag YOUR copy here, for just $34.99

Love & Sincerely, Katie
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
85 8x8 Paintings ~ the brand new book
Enjoy! Sincerely, Katie
Saturday, September 24, 2011
It's beginning to look a lot like...
and we must begin preparing ~ NOW!
well, I painted Frankie (in 7 minutes). I most love their skeletons, though!

I think these new creations, Halloween party or not, will have to become staple decorations around our house every Fall.
Skeletons, spirits and haunts,
Skeletons, spirits and haunts.
It's a Halloween sale: A nickel a pail
For skeletons, spirits and haunts.
Skeletons, spirits and haunts,
More than most anyone wants.
Will you pay for a shock,
'Cause we're quite overstocked
On skeletons, spirits and haunts.
~Shel Silverstein~
Have a wonderful weekend,
let us not forget to take the time to soak in those happy little spirits ~
and the excitement that surrounds them.
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Thursday, September 22, 2011
New Painting, Sacred Space ~ 8x8 Book Coming to Print ~ Magnets & Buttons

The BRAND NEW Book: 85 8x8 Paintings: a dance of intention & creation
will be Coming to PRINT in a WEEK'S TIME! ~ Stay Tuned! ~ Grab the 70-page e-book here! ~ just $4.99
featuring motherhood art & writing by Katie m. Berggren
New Buttons & Magnets featuring Home & Spinning Tales, just $3.99 for a set of two.

Have a wonderful week's end.
Thank you for following along, and for your continued encouragement & love.
Let me know if you have any questions,
Love & Sincerely, Katie
“Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; love more, and all good things will be yours.”
Swedish proverb
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Artful Bliss ~ August 2011 ~ Portland Oregon
The paintings display beautifully at New Day Center for the Arts in Portland, Oregon. The show will come down during next week.

My buddy, Liz Ness of Liz Ness Studio ~ mixed-media artist/painter/tech-guru!
Each painting has a story ~ and we've included the stories with the paintings ~ visitors to this event remarked on how they loved to read the thoughts behind the pieces ~ the intentions.

The Four Women who put it all together (from left to right):

Visitors enjoyed the songs and stories of Portland's own singer/songwriter Mila Polevia
Our ample supply of varied hors d'oeuvres were well enjoyed ~ especially by the children who danced around and played throughout the evening.
I had the opportunity, during this event, to meet Currie, and present to her her completed commissioned painting, Over The Moon.
During our event, a special adjoining room allowed children to create their own art ~ thank you to Kirsten Klug and her family for making this possible.
It was an evening worth sharing ~ and I hope those who came and shared had a wonderful time. Thank you to Kerri Altom and Kayt Huggans for photography
Have a wonderful evening,
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
One Year Ago While Painting Motherhood: The Great Studio Re-Do
September 2010
(holy smokes, I cannot believe it has already been a year)

You'll notice above how I have my website showing on the monitor... I have since completely redesigned my website as well :) Can't I just leave things alone? Nope.
Have a wonderful week, and remember ~
moving furniture around is a simple way to boost power and creativity for your brain :)
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Friday, September 9, 2011
Buttons & Magnets: A Fun New Inkling | Free Cards Friday
I love seeing my paintings used to create inspiring and purposeful items. I am a minsumer; which for me refers to the fact that I am not a big buyer, a big consumer. I purchase things that really speak to me, but I spend most of my money on healthy produce and art supplies so I can feed my family and my passion. I also spend on the creations of my those whom I admire, with an intention of someday having walls adorned with beautiful and thought-provoking story-infused art.
I do not love mass consumerism, I do not love multitudes of cheap-o things created just to sell, with no thought for the process of creation, or they whom created it. I struggle with this on a daily basis: supporting my family (healthy organic produce can get spendy) but at the same time creating conscious products on my own. It is indeed a daily struggle, but I know I am not alone.
Since I DO love to create things, I love handmade. The handmade movement inspires creation by hand while infusing the love and attention of the artist. We, as buyers, get so much more that way!
It is because of this careful and mindful nature that I am very cautious about how my artwork is used. I choose not to have it manufactured in ways that I cannot support and when I am unable to know the ins and outs. There are some control issues in play here, as well, but mostly, my instincts strongly suggest that I keep it as close to home as possible; keep the creation as close to the studio as possible. In the same way I like to fuel my family with foods as close to the earth as possible, and as close to homemade as possible.
This is where I am, right now, in my thinking and my life.
Today, I’d like to share with you my newest fun little inkling ~ these cute little buttons and magnets. They are 1 ¼” across, sweet and lovely.
Each Magnet Set contains:
two (2) motherhood magnets, sized at 1 ¼” across. Featuring (1) magnet of Home and (1) magnet of Spinning Tales. $3.99
Each Button Set contains:
two (2) motherhood buttons, sized at 1 ¼” across. Featuring (1) button of Home and (1) button of Spinning Tales. $3.99
My brother made these for me, a mere 20 miles from me, as he has perfected his craft and enjoys creating them. I’m thrilled to know that my brother feels good supporting me and I, him.
I do not have a ton of buttons or magnets, but I have had them on my desk looking at me for a couple weeks and I have decided that I might as well get them into your hands, where you can put a little button on your purse, scarf, hat or baby bag; and you can stick a little magnet on your fridge. These would also make easy and affordable gifts.
I suppose, deep down, it is my hope that the little images might remind you of your intentions as a parent, and as you open the fridge to create a meal, you might again be reminded of who you are feeding; how you are nourishing them; and most importantly: why.
Love & Sincerely, Katie
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Yes, Certainly :)
Yes, he’s 5 ½ actually, but I’ll jump at the chance to rock him in the eve ~ to hold onto that little boy-ness as long as he’ll let me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Merchild ~ here to stay :)

Here is the original Merchild, you can find prints of her in the Online Etsy shop.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Ebook is Here! Limited Time Price ~ Behind The Scenes, Inspiration, Paintings, Quotes, Sentiments

This is a PDF formatted e-book. Once payment has processed, I will email you a time-sensitive link where you may download your product. Pick up YOUR copy here!

The red text emphasizes quotes and shares entries from my own personal journal and the Painting Motherhood blog.” show and share, but to also inspire...
cover image: Song In My Soul,# 16 of The 85 8x8s for $85 Collection, 2009. ©Katie m. Berggren
Learn more here:
Thank You So Much for your Support during this BIG Project!
Let me know if you have any questions,
Love & Sincerely, Katie